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Ah Nostradamus. The gift that keeps on giving. The seer that keeps on seeing. Credited with foretelling major world events such as the death of the French king Henry II and the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, Nostradamus made countless predictions about the past, the present and the future.
Of course, opinion about his talents remains deeply divided to this very day. A cynic may argue that his quatrains are cannily phrased in such a way that vagueness and obscurity reign supreme, allowing his words to be tailored to any given situation after the fact. Nonetheless, there are plenty who are thoroughly convinced he’s the greatest prophet to ever walk the Earth.
So where does the truth lie? Well, there’s only one way to find out. After scouring his words with a fine-tooth comb, we’ve come across a handful of possible predictions for next year. If they turn out to be true, he’s a genius. Or we are. Or both.
February 2022 witnessed a major escalation in eastern European tensions as Russia invaded Ukraine. In the intervening months and years, hundreds of thousands of casualties have occurred and millions have been displaced in the continent’s biggest crisis since World War II. But could an end be in sight?
Through long war all the army exhausted,
so that they do not find money for the soldiers;
instead of gold or silver, they will come to coin leather,
Gallic brass, and the crescent sign of the Moon.
An exhausted army and even more exhausted coffers could spell the end of hostilities, though how exactly it will come about remains uncertain. The mention of Gallic brass hints at French involvement, while the crescent moon points to Turkey. Both countries have expressed support for Ukraine in the past, so could perhaps have a role to play in the resolution of the conflict.
However, things might not be all plain sailing on the European front – and this time the UK is implicated.
When those from the lands of Europe
See England set up her throne behind
Her flanks, there will be cruel wars.
The ancient plague will be worse than enemies.
The mention of England (the concept of Britain didn’t exist in Nostradamus’ time) withdrawing into itself is almost certainly a pointer to the Brexit referendum and its continuing fallout. But if worker shortages and border delays were bad enough, warnings of ‘cruel wars’ and ‘ancient plague’ sound a far more ominous note.
Are you noticing a pattern developing in Nostradamus’ work yet? The oracle was very fond of both doom and indeed gloom, it seems, and he didn’t restrict his pessimistic positing to this side of the Atlantic. Many have credited him with predicting 9/11, but the words below could refer to the southern part of the Americas.
Garden of the world near the new city,
In the path of the hollow mountains:
It will be seized and plunged into the Tub,
Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulphur.
‘Garden of the world’ is surely the Amazon rainforest, while ‘the new city’ could refer to the planned Brazilian capital of Brasilia. Mountainous terrain abounds in that part of the world, while the mention of being ‘plunged into the Tub’ suggests flooding and ‘sulphur’ implies volcanic activity. ‘Mysterious rumblings’ near a long-dormant volcano set Cariocas on edge a couple of years ago… could their misgivings be found to have a basis in 2025?
So far it’s been typically morbid fodder from Nostradamus, so it’s refreshing to see he still has time to dip into the sporting world, too. In two separate quatrains, he makes reference to the cock besting the eagle, with football fans recognising this as a clear allusion to Tottenham Hotspur (whose crest features a cockerel) and Crystal Palace (whose nickname is the Eagles).
The Cock will see the Eagle, its wing poorly finished,
By the Lion will it be put into extremity.
These lines suggest that Crystal Palace will be forced into dire financial straits by the Premier League (symbolised here by the lion), presumably for falling short of PSR regulations. Tottenham will then take advantage of their vulnerability by strengthening their own wing, which must mean they’ll snap up Eberechi Eze. The hypothesis is confirmed later on with the line ‘weakness to the eagle, strength will be born to the cock’.
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