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Bradley Walsh: Egypt's Cosmic Code
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History of the Six Nations: Rugby’s most iconic tournament
5 deadly aviations disasters involving sports teams
The Miracle on Ice: The Olympic win that shocked the world
Ayrton Senna: The death of an icon, 30 years on
The 10 greatest darts players of all time
7 most iconic England managers of all time
The history of the Paralympics
How Jesse Owens defied Adolf Hitler at the 1936 Olympics
History of the modern Olympics
History of the ancient Olympics
Emperor Nero: The most disgraceful competitor in Olympic history
The modern history of women’s football
The greatest British sportswomen of all time
Everything you need to know about the Women's World Cup
Lily Parr: 'The most brilliant female footballer in the world'
Little known facts about Ronnie O’Sullivan
7 little known facts about the World Cup
The history of the World Cup
5 frequently asked questions about the 2022 Commonwealth Games
Great British moments in Winter Olympic History
The biggest underdogs in Winter Olympic history
Andrew Watson: The first black international footballer who captained Scotland
Football Godfathers: Episode Guide
Althea Gibson becomes the first African-American on U.S. tennis tour
Clay knocks out Liston
Chess champion Kasparov loses to a computer
Henman plays last match at Wimbledon
First televised Major League Baseball game is broadcast
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