The SS James Eagan Layne dive - 'Ross Kemp: Deep Sea Treasure Hunter' S1
In Plymouth Sound, Ross and Mallory dive on the wreck of a much more recent ship, the WW2 cargo ship, SS James Eagan Layne
In Ross Kemp: Deep Sea Treasure Hunter S1, Ross Kemp dives on a series of incredible shipwrecks around the British coastline to reveal some of the nation’s murkiest and best-kept secrets. From the remains of a slave ship discovered off Plymouth, to the Kaiser’s sunken Imperial Fleet in Scapa Flow and an experimental submarine aircraft carrier, which sank with all passengers and crew on deck during its sea trials, Ross uncovers Britain’s hidden maritime past.
In Plymouth Sound, Ross and Mallory dive on the wreck of a much more recent ship, the WW2 cargo ship, SS James Eagan Layne. The JamesEagan Layne was torpedoed with its entire classified cargo on board, and Ross and Mallory plan to try and recover some of it