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Bradley Walsh: Egypt's Cosmic Code
Articles written by:
BP Perry
King George III's descent into madness: A tale of royal tragedy
Was Robin Hood a real person?
7 greatest military leaders in American history
7 greatest military leaders in British history
Britain's youngest-ascending monarchs
What happened to National Service in Britain?
7 greatest military strategists from history
Adrien Carton die Wiart: Britain's immortal solider
The impacts of World War I that are still felt today
10 great military generals from history
The surprisingly eventful history of Spam
Why was Ivan so terrible? | Ivan the Terrible biography & facts
How accurate were the portrayal of these Roman emperors on film?
What happened to Flight MH370? Debunking the myths
The surprisingly ancient history of board games
8 inventors who were killed by their inventions
History's most popular Christmas toys for children
The history of your favourite Christmas board games
The rise and fall of the East India Company
8 mysterious ghost towns from around the world
Rule Britannia: How did Britain conquer the world?
How the Indian Mutiny forever changed the landscape of the British Empire
The Hellfire Club: British high-society's most exclusive and scandalous group
The deadliest weapons from World War I
The Nazi castle designed to be the 'Centre of the World'
The gateway to hell: Why was Houska Castle built?
Unsinkable Violet Jessop: Survivor of the Titanic and two other ship disasters
The worst prime ministers from British history
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