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Bradley Walsh: Egypt's Cosmic Code
Ancient British traditions to celebrate the Spring Equinox
Emperor Nero: The most disgraceful competitor in Olympic history
The unglamorous lives of Ancient Rome's gladiators
The winter solstice 2024: The shortest day of the year
3 real people behind the modern vampire myth
4 crazy Christmas gifts from history
5 ancient calendars that shaped how we measure time
6 ways to celebrate Halloween like a pagan
5 magical creatures from British folklore
The eerie origins of Halloween costumes
The Scottish Nostradamus: 7 accurate predictions of the Brahan Seer
5 pagan traditions for celebrating the autumn equinox
Visions of love: Erotic art throughout the ages
5 stunning locations linked to the Arthurian legends
The surprising ancient history of sex toys
Romancing the throne: 5 royal mistresses and paramours
England's most notorious urban legend: The mystery of Spring-Heeled Jack
4 unusual tales from Britain's beaches
Party like a Pagan: 5 ways to celebrate the summer solstice
4 historic pagan customs for the summer's first harvest