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Rick and Marty Lagina's faces either side of a road leading to Oak Island

Returns Wednesday, 26th March at 9pm

Is it pirate treasure, a Viking hoard, or a lost biblical relic? No one knows, and anyone who has tried to find out has been met with dangerous setbacks—including booby traps! The Lagina brothers deploy technology like never before, but there’s an even bigger obstacle: A prophecy predicts seven people will die before the treasure is found. The death toll so far: six. Building off the scientific revelations from the last three seasons that large sources of silver and gold lie deep in the Money Pit area, the Laginas and their team continue to try and pinpoint the location of the legendary treasure by applying cutting edge technology such as ‘Muon Tomography’ and conducting large scale dig operations. The team will also perform much wider-scale digs across the body of the swamp and will extend their outreach and exploration of European countries in an attempt to reveal the origins of the Oak Island mystery.